

Jeanette Hatherill | @JeanetteAnneH

Catherine McGoveran | @kittmcg

Sarah Simpkin | @sarahsimpkin

Hackfest icon Hackfest icon Hackfest icon Hackfest icon Hackfest icon Hackfest icon Hackfest icon

Today's presentation

Planning and preparation

Library data showcase

Participant projects

Feedback and lessons learned

What's next for hacking at uOBiblio

Planification et préparation

La Bottega
You can always find inspiration (and the best sandwiches) at La Bottega

Pitching for a hackfest

reaching out, demystifying, building profile, making connections, starting dialogue...

Marketing & promotion

Three cheers for Dave

Pre-hack workshop

City of Ottawa 311 service requests (2012 Q1) + ward boundaries

Déroulement de la journée

  • 8 h 45 Caféine et collation
  • 9 h 15 Présentations et accueil de la Bibliothèque
  • 9 h 30 Idées de projets et propositions
  • 10 h Formation des équipes et début du hackfest
  • 12 h Dîner
  • 13 h Poursuite du hackfest
  • 17 h Présentation des projets finis et mot de la fin
  • 17 h 30 5 à 7 #OpenDataDay

Library data showcase

Google analytics from library website

uOResearch thesis metadata

ILL lender and borrower

Circulation over 200

Patron counts by discipline and status

OPL MARC records and circulation counts

Participant projects

Mike Pacione

Statistics Canada - CANSIM tables 051-0001 (population) and 105-0501 (health indicators)
City of Ottawa open data - outdoor rinks

OPL + Amazon

HackUOBiblio participants

OPL + Amazon

HackUOBiblio participants Amazon product advertising API and OPL Bibliocommons search

Flight locations + registry

Live flight locations and plane registry data

Flight locations + registry

Live flight locations and plane registry data Federal government open data - Civil aircraft register database and streaming flight data

Eric, Filsan & Alexis

HackUOBiblio participant project City of Ottawa open data - tennis and basketball courts and Ottawa neighbourhood study

Feedback & lessons learned

“Was a great opportunity to try new things and to collaborate with more experienced hackers. I'll definitely be less hesitant to explore open data projects and development projects of my own.”

- #HackUOBiblio participant

“J'ai aimé le contact personnel et les ressources disponibles, ainsi que la liberté en terme d'apprentissage. Les personnes étaient très accueillantes et la communication était efficace. Hackfest était très professionnel et organisé. Le local et l'atmosphère étaient idéals. J'ai apprécié le fait qu'il y avait des gens pour aider. ”

- #HackUOBiblio participant

"More examples at the beginning of the session for beginners. It's one thing to read about stuff ahead of time, but it would be nice to actually discuss a few examples and how they were done."

"Optional beginner group with a few learning exercises."

"More interactive workshop, maybe with a how to hack 101."

- #HackUOBiblio participants

Leçons tirées

Plus de café  

Meilleure planification pour sauvegarder et partager les projets

Ateliers pratiques avant l'événement et pendant la journée

Plus de barres à prises multiples  

What's next?


What role can the library plan in relation to open data?

A-t-il des outils qui intéressent vos usagers?

Are there areas where we need more support?

Qu'est-ce qui vous empêche de jouer avec les données?

Could datasets you work with be made available?