Catherine McGoveran | Ottawa | @kittmcg Richard Pietro | Toronto | @richardpietro Michael Easter | PEI | @30_for_60
different dataset or theme each month
ongoing engagement
data and digital literacy
facilitate conversation between government and the public
civic engagement
data and digital literacy
beyond hack-events
post chosen dataset(s) ahead of time
presentations & dialogue
post results
find an open data steward
post chosen dataset and steward info ahead of time
presentations and conversations
presentations & dialogue
community news
synthesize data sets (e.g. landmarks)
downtown pub
Toronto Reference Library partnership
downtown community centre
be open, welcome all skill levels, encourage questions, provide a safe space
engage data owners, create feedback loop
provide wifi and computer hookups
plan ahead for the monthly dataset
ensure follow-up and documentation
welcome newcomers and explain the basics
Catherine McGoveran | Ottawa | @kittmcg Richard Pietro | Toronto | @richardpietro Michael Easter | PEI | @30_for_60